Our services
Evolution of time and internal know-how have led SQC to win customers outside the automotive industry.
It also provides services to the Pharmaceutical Industry, Construction Sector, Metalworking and Renewable Energy, from specific matters of support and assistance, to the most complete production methodologies and process optimization.
With a constantly growing service offer, it is worth highlighting:
• Representation and support in quality engineering
• Internal and external audits
• Quality walls in the client premises and in third party locations
• Laboratory support
• Sorting and containment actions
• Statistical process control
• Quality control of the manufacturing and final processes
• Local support technicians
• Resident engineers
• Noise analysis in acoustic room
• Analysis of thermal behaviour
Statistic process
SQC has been developing its own software since 2017 to meet its clients’ needs.
Its collaborators collect inspection data on a daily basis, uploading it and making it available online as well as in the S-ROS App. This allows the client to easily and effectively monitor the inspection phase and make the necessary adjustments in real time.
The staff comprises 422 collaborators, mostly former employees of automotive companies, specialized in areas such as Quality, Production, Engineering and Logistics.
Experience is complemented by On and Off Job training, focusing on internal training on various areas, in order to create not only professional development but also personal appreciation.
Internal training
in quality
Automotive Support · Just in Time,
specialized in services such as:
• Inspection, sorting and rework
• Resident engineers
• Pre-assembly
• Assistance in assembly lines:
- occasional increase in production;
- absenteeism;
• Transport, receipt and expedition of goods
• Machine operators + machines
• Logistical support and storing facilities
• Outsourcing
Engineers and technicians are readily available to clients’ requests.
This staff is highly qualified in several areas such as Quality, Electricity and Mechanics.
This service can be requested not only in Portugal but also anywhere in the world.
Assistance in
Assembly Lines
Support can be easily provided to address various issues, both in outsourcing or provision of services:
- Occasional increase in production
- Weekly variations in the demand of resources
- Sick leaves or insurances
- Absenteeism
The company has its own storing facilities, properly build and adapted to its needs, which guarantee good and efficient services.